Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocabulary Update from Mrs. Taylor

I have great news! With testing issues leading to inconsistent class schedules and a broken air conditioner leading to teaching from a cart in the library for two days, I have decided to move this Friday's vocabulary test to next Friday, September 9th. This will give us more in-class time to work on our study guides and packets. Students should definitely be studying at home, as well. Whether they use Quizlet to create their own digital flash cards, make their own paper flash cards, or just study the foldable I sent home, they should try to study a few nights a week.

I hope this helps those that are feeling overwhelmed by this first list and allows me more time to fully introduce the words at school. I am including a Quizlet link below that has all of our "Growing Your Vocabulary" chapters (lists) already created for the year. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


This is just a reminder about our parent meeting tonight, to be held in the Webb cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. We will be sharing more details about the historical field trip we will be taking to Southern Indiana. We will have paperwork for you, as well.

Thanks, and we hope to see you tonight!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Fourth Grade Reading "POWER UP!" Pokemon Challenge

Fourth grade is kicking off a Pokemon themed reading challenge. Students each made a Pokeball (out of paper plates), will be selecting a character tomorrow, and will earn points to "power up" as they pass Reading Counts quizzes throughout the year. For every 25 Reading Counts points they earn, students may choose to "power up" their character to the next level or select a new one. We will still be rewarding students with the Webb Reading Counts awards/rewards, but thought this might be a fun way to get them READING more confidently and independently!

The kiddos were thrilled today when I announced the challenge and the rules. I'm hoping this motivates them to read more this year! Not only will this help build their reading endurance and stamina, but it will grow their vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency along the way. We have been working on selecting GOOD FIT books that are interesting, just the right level, and will help build our endurance and stamina for reading longer texts.

I cannot wait until they see the bulletin board in the morning that we just finished. If you get a chance, ask them about the challenge and see how they are progressing! Happy reading!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Girls on the Run Johnson County

If you are interested in your daughter participating in the Girls on the Run Johnson County team at Webb, please contact Mrs. Clendening or Mrs. Taylor. This is a wonderful organization, for third through fifth grade girls, and this is our first year having a team here at Webb. The cost is $125, but there are reduced-fee scholarships available if you are interested, but concerned about cost.

We will have practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:20-4:00 p.m. beginning August 30th and running until the GOTR Johnson County 5K race on Saturday, November 5th. During the practices, we will not only be exercising and preparing for the 5K but also focusing on the following skills, just to name a few: self-worth and value, decision making, making connections with peers, embracing differences, standing up for ourselves, leadership, etc.

Please let us know if you are interested! We have several spots left, but they will fill up quickly and we can only have 15 students enrolled per team. Needham, Northwood, and CBIS will all have teams this year. Go Webb!!

For more information, please visit: (you can register online- choose Webb as the team) (national website about the program itself)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

NWEA Update

Technology has not been our friend this week when it comes to NWEA testing. 
Fourth grade had to postpone both Monday and Wednesday testing due to separate technology issues across the district. We are rescheduled to take the reading test on Friday morning (tomorrow), but are not sure yet when we will be taking the math portion. We are planning for early next week. Once testing is complete, across the district, we will be sending home reports with your child's progress and beginning of the year data. NWEA data is a major tool for us in determining your child's individual needs and instructional level. We look forward to exploring this data and working to help your child meet their fullest potential. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Updates and New Information

Hello, parents and families! We have truly enjoyed getting to know your kiddos this past week. We are continuing our work on learning routines, establishing expectations, and introducing the curriculum. This week will be somewhat "normal" as far as daily routines, with the exception of NWEA testing. Please see the notes below for updated information.

  • NWEA-- Fourth grade was to start NWEA computer testing this morning, but technology did not cooperate. NWEA ironed out the problems by late morning, but we missed our testing window. We will still be testing on Wednesday morning, but have not received the rescheduled testing date to make up for today. We will let you know when we hear something.

  • SNACKS-- We are going to allow students to bring in INDIVIDUAL snacks if they choose. These need to be healthy and SUPER EASY snacks. Crackers, string cheese, bananas, apples, granola bars, etc. Nothing too messy, sugary, or requiring utensils, please. We will be eating these as we work in the morning, so if they choose to bring something please just follow the guidelines above. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you are wanting to donate snacks for your child and any that might not have their own, you are more than welcome to still do so. 

  • DATA BINDERS-- We set up data binders late last week and will start using those within the next week or two. Students should bring these home at least once a week and have an adult look through added tests, information, graphs, etc., and then sign the "parent signature page" at the front of the binder. This also provides a place for comments, if you wish to praise your child, set goals, or ask questions. You can also contact us directly if you have any questions. Some weeks several pieces will be added, other weeks maybe only one or two things. A weekly signature is required. In language arts, most data will come home on Mondays, but math will depend on the unit schedule since those vary in length and timing. When they take math unit assessments, those test will be added to the binder. Please let us know if the binder is not making it home to you at all. 
We look forward to a wonderful year with a wonderful group of students! Thank you so much for sharing your kiddos with us. We appreciate you!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night!

If you are reading this post, then you have reached our 4th grade blog site either on your own or by scanning our QR code. We will use this blog as our form of a newsletter, with weekly updates on curriculum, field trips, celebrations, special events, testing information, etc. Please add your email to the "email address" box near the top of this page to receive an update anytime new posts are added. Also, if you would prefer a printed copy of the newsletter/updates, we can include you on our list of paper copies to be sent home. Just let one of us know, and we'd be glad to include you. Let Mrs. Taylor (site admin) know if you have any questions or have any problems accessing our blog. Mrs. Taylor can be reached at or call the front office and they can forward your call to my room. Mrs. David's email is and she can also be reached by phone, via the front office.

Again, welcome to 4th grade! We are looking forward to an amazing year!

Welcome to Fourth Grade!

We are so very excited to kick off a wonderful year with your kiddos! We've been working to get our classrooms and materials ready for the school year, and are looking forward to meeting you on Webb's official "meet the teacher" night, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9th from 6:30-7:00 OR 7:00-7:30. Each session will be held in your child's homeroom teacher's classroom. We look forward to meeting everyone. Please feel free to have your child bring their supplies that evening and place them in their desk or cubby. You may contact Mrs. Taylor at or Mrs. David at if you have any questions or concerns. Here's to an amazing year in fourth grade!