WRITING----We have been working hard on building our writing skills. We've been focusing on APPLYING what we already know about organization and conventions to create pieces with voice, strong word choice, and interesting details. The students are wrapping up a writing piece they are submitting to the Daily Journal for their "Junior Journal" writing contest. I believe that ALL the stories will be published, but only a few will be awarded prizes. We are competing against the schools in Johnson County. I'll keep families posted if I hear any news of one of our kiddos winning. I will be displaying their writing in the hallway by my classroom for everyone to see, but students can also show you at home, if you have access to the internet and they log on to their Google Drive.
DATA BINDERS----These are updated weekly. Please remind your child to show you their binder and sign the parent page, adding comments if necessary. Several students are not meeting their weekly Reading Counts goals and we will write notes about their progress on their reports. Please let us know if you have any questions.
VOCABULARY/WORD STUDY---- This past Friday, we took our Chapter 6 vocab/word study assessment. These have been graded and added to their data binders. I allowed them to use their study guides if they had them in their yellow folders since we hadn't had much time to review the words in class. I passed out Chapter 7 study guides and packets today. Their study guides will be in the outside, back, clear pocket of their yellow folders. They can take them out to study at night, but need to bring them back to school each day. The picture below is of the roots and words. I spilled water on it last night and it dried wrinkled. ;)
MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE----I sent home a letter today and an email out, as well, announcing that I would be off work for three weeks. I will be having surgery on Tuesday, February 7th, and will not be released for work until at least February 28th. My sub will be Katie Hammaker. She has subbed for several long and short-term leaves in our district since the start of the school year. She comes highly recommended and I have confidence the kiddos will be in great hands.
Happy rest of your week and please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks!