#1- I sent home a new list of words (yesterday) and our test will be NEXT Thursday, March 22. We DO NOT have school on Friday, March 23, so we will test on a Thursday this time. The roots are ped, pod, and amb, and the prefix is tri-. The new words are pedestal, pedal, pedestrian, podium, tripod, podiatrist, ambulance, amble, and preamble. The words can be found on my Quizlet site (kiddos know how to get there through our Google Classroom site). This is a GREAT way to get some extra practice in at home, as well.
#2- Our Book Beat field trip isn't until May 18th, but we are starting early this year with trying to get 5 books read by that date. I will attach a photo of the book titles and Lexiles along with this post. I previewed all 14 titles with the students today and gave them background info on each one. You should see those books starting to travel home with them tomorrow. Their goal is 5, but to be a "team captain" they must read ALL 14 books on the list. They will have a little over 9 weeks (if you count Spring Break) to get at least 5 books read. If they don't hit their minimum goal of 5, they can't go on the trip. We tried to select HIGH INTEREST and a mix of short and long books for them to read. Hopefully this will help with motivation. Please check with your child to see what book they are starting with and how progress is going. Thanks for your support at home! :)
#3- Report Cards will be coming home in Data Binders THIS FRIDAY. Please watch for those and go over the grades with your child. Maybe set some new goals, revisit old ones, talk about successes, failures, attitude, etc. We appreciate all that you do to help them succeed! :)