Thursday, May 12, 2016

World Water Monitoring Challenge- SO COOL!

This morning our 4th graders were able to participate in The World Water Monitoring Challenge,
sponsored by the Franklin Department of Public Works. It was such a neat, hands-on experience and the students learned a lot about the science behind our
waterways and our local watershed.

On Wednesday morning, Richard DeWitt and Ty Urban came to Webb and trained our students on how to be water sampling scientists. Today, we traveled out to Hurricane Creek behind Needham Elementary School, along the trail. We put on our rubber gloves, turned into scientists and collected water samples in small groups, with the DPW's assistance. We then checked the temperature, the PH, turbidity (clarity of the water), checked for bacteria, and looked for wildlife.

If you scroll down, you should be able to see some of our photos from today. The kids had a blast and came back slightly muddier than we left, but it was so fun. We hope to start participating in this annually with our 4th graders, helping the DPW along the way. Our stats from today will be registered on the World Water Monitoring Challenge website and will be updated every year.

Enjoy the photos!