Monday, April 3, 2017

Welcome back!

Spring Break was a great time to push the reset button and get ready for the final weeks of school. We have A LOT going on in fourth grade this last nine weeks. I am going to list a few "important dates/events" below to keep you in the loop.

  • CBIS-- Tomorrow, Tuesday, we are going to head over to CBIS from 8:15-9:45 to take a tour of CBIS and meet some of the staff. No permission slips are necessary since we have "blanket" permission slips on file in the office for each of our fourth graders. 

  • Book Beat-- We kicked off Book Beat before break and some students are already on their second and third books! Book Beat is an annual competition we participate in, held at the Johnson County Public Library. Each student needs to read a MINIMUM of four books to attend. We have a list of 14 books to select from and the more they read, the more they will help their team during the competition. The librarian reads a line from a "mystery book" and students must use their schema to recall from which book it came. Book Beat is on May 18th.

  • James Whitcomb Riley-- On Friday, we will have a special visitor in fourth grade. James Whitcomb Riley (actor portraying him) will be speaking to our students. We are focusing on learning about him and his poetry this week in language arts to prepare for the visit. We are learning about "couplets" and "dialect" this week as we analyze his poetry.

  • Spring Book Fair-- April 14th-20th is the Spring Book Fair. Students can shop during their lunch/recess time that week. Anytime next week, students can order s'mores for 50 cents and those will be delivered the week of the book fair. The money will go toward rebuilding classroom libraries. 

  • ISTEP+ Round 2-- Round two of ISTEP+ is just around the corner, as the window is open from April 17th-April 28th. This portion is computer based and all multiple choice. Please try to avoid making any doctor appointments during the week of the 17th, as we most likely will be testing the first week of the window. 

  • Webb's 50th Birthday Bash-- On Sunday, April 23rd, from 2:00-4:00 p.m., Webb will be throwing itself a birthday bash. We are inviting ALL Webb alums and current students and families to be a part of this celebration. More information will be coming home soon.

  • Indianapolis Motor Speedway Field Trip-- Our annual field trip to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway will be on Friday, April 28th. We will be there all day and will be limited on the number of chaperones we can take with us. Permission slips will be going home sometime this week and we will be accepting chaperones on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Music Program and Talent Show-- During the evening of Friday, April 28th, there will be a music program (all grades) and a talent show at Webb Elementary. A pulled pork dinner will be available, with more information coming home soon. 
I will also be updating the calendar on the right side of the blog, so watch that for any changes/updates as we have a lot going on in May, as well. For those of you that like to attend, but need advance notice, the Webb Olympics are being held on May 26th this year. We will also have the Color Run and the fourth grade end of year celebration toward the end of May, as well. Have a wonderful Monday and let us know if you have any questions.