We are looking forward to our 4th grade party tomorrow.
Students should dress comfortably and ready for indoor and outdoor fun. Thanks for sharing your kiddos with us this year! We have truly enjoyed growing with them.
If you'd like to watch the slideshow from the awards program yesterday, the link is below. Thanks and enjoy!
This is where you'll find fourth grade news, updates, and general happenings in the classroom.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
The above are books we already have for trade! Woohoo!
Don't forget to send in your GENTLY used books (up to 5) for our Webb Elementary Book Swap. Students may bring in children's books (must be in great shape) to trade in for new ones. The books are due tomorrow, but the swap will take place next week. Thanks!
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
End of Year Party
Today, the attached letter is coming home with your child. If you would like to volunteer at our party on May 31st, please fill out the sheet and send it back in to school. We will add you to our volunteer list.
Thanks and have a great Tuesday!
Thanks and have a great Tuesday!
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
May Events
Hello Parents/Families,
Time is ticking away... wowza! May brings a lot with it. We wanted to make you aware and send out the schedule (and pleas for donations/help) ahead of time. What a crazy busy time of year, but lots of fun for the kiddos!
🔔 Parent Meeting at CBIS (Custer Baker Intermediate School)— Thursday, May 10th 6:00-7:00
👩👦 Mother/Son Dance/PTO — FRIDAY, May 11th
📚 Reading Counts Bowling Trip/ Got 200 points? — MONDAY, May 14th
🏅 Webb Olympics/Color Run-- FRIDAY, May 25th (Olympics first half of the school day, followed by Color Run @ 1:00.)
🚌 Field Trip to the Artcraft (each child who earns it will need only $3 for the history presentation, movie, popcorn, and a drink). Details to follow. — TUESDAY, May 29th (a.m.)
🌟 Awards — TUESDAY, MAY 29th @ 1:00
☔️ Webb Olympics/Color Run makeup day if it rains on 5/25 —- WEDNESDAY, May 30th
🎉 4th Grade End of Year Party--- THURSDAY, MAY 31st @ 11:15-- If you are able to help, contact us and we can add you to our list. Thanks! We will also send out a donation request form soon for odds/ends that we will need. We eat pizza, play games, paint hands for handprints on the ceiling tiles for the cafeteria, etc.
Fourth Grade Team
Friday, April 27, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
We had an amazing trip today, despite the rain. Thanks to our parent and family volunteers, they were a huge part of a successful and fun day!
We wanted to share out a few important notes about the next month and May happenings at Webb. If you have any questions, please let us know.
*******Please remember to send in, email, send via Dojo, etc., your child's baby or toddler photo. This is for our end of the year slideshow and we'd like to start working on it next week. If you send in a hard copy, we will scan it and send it right back home with your child. We just don't want them to be left out of the slideshow. May 1 is the deadline. Thanks!********
*******Please remember to send in, email, send via Dojo, etc., your child's baby or toddler photo. This is for our end of the year slideshow and we'd like to start working on it next week. If you send in a hard copy, we will scan it and send it right back home with your child. We just don't want them to be left out of the slideshow. May 1 is the deadline. Thanks!********
•Friday, April 27, we have school. It is a snow makeup day.
•Thursday, May 10– Parent Meeting at CBIS (Custer Baker Intermediate School) — for INCOMING 5th graders (current 4th graders)
•Friday, May 11– Webb Mother/Son Dance
•Friday, May 18– Book Beat Competition @Webb
•Friday, May 25– Webb Field Day/Walk-a-thon and Color Walk/Run ($15 to participate and get a t-shirt for Color Walk/Run for first child, $10 for each consecutive child)—- Information went home yesterday with your child.
•Monday, May 28– NO SCHOOL- Memorial Day
•Tuesday, May 29– Awards Day (p.m. timeframe)
•Thursday, May 31– Last Day of School for Students
Check out the link below to see some of our photos from today. I’m still adding, so there will be more photos later. Thanks!
Monday, April 16, 2018
Chaperones for Indianapolis Motor Speedway- We are FULL!
Thanks to all who volunteered to attend the field trip with us next week. We now have enough chaperones to attend! Thanks so much.
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Hello, families! The permission form and lunch order sheet for our Indianapolis 500 Motor Speedway field trip went home last week. The trip is on Tuesday, April 24th. The IMS limits us on the number of chaperones, so if you are interested, please mark it on the form and get it back to us ASAP. We’ve already had quite a few volunteer, so the sooner, the better. All permission forms are due back by Tuesday. This is a FREE field trip, so we just need the two forms filled out and returned to us. We love this trip and are hoping for great weather. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Baby/Toddler Pictures Needed
It’s that time of year again! The fourth grade video is being put together, to be shown during our fourth grade awards. We are needing a baby or toddler photo of your child, for the “Then and Now” section of the slideshow. We like the earlier age photos so it makes it a little more challenging to guess who it is. We will scan and return them if you send in originals. If you are able, a digital copy would work even better! If you are sending in an original copy, please make sure their name is written on the back fo the photo or it is placed in an envelope or baggie with their name labeled somewhere. If you send in a digital copy, please email it to Mrs. Taylor at taylorca@franklinschools.org OR Mrs. David at davide@franklinschools.org. We look forward to seeing those sweet baby faces float across our desk. Thanks for sending them in! Please try to share them with us no later than May 1, as the slideshow takes a while to organize and edit.
Friday, April 6, 2018
Summer CubQuest
Please see the attached link for summer CubQuest opportunities for your child. All information is included. Thanks!
Monday, April 2, 2018
Important Dates
Hello, there and welcome back from break! With around 8 weeks left, we are busier than ever, trying to squeeze in as much as possible to prepare your kiddos for fifth grade and beyond. This time of year always brings adjustments in schedule and some special happenings. Please check below for some important dates. We will have more to add to the list, as the 9 weeks progresses, but wanted to go ahead and send these out.
We are going to Custer Baker Intermediate School this Wednesday for a brief tour of the building (YIKES- Already, can you believe that?!?). For the Indianapolis Motor Speedway trip later this month, we will send home more information and a permission form. We will most likely be taking chaperones, but will be limited on numbers. You will receive more information within the next week or two. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
CBIS-- April 4 @ 9:00-9:40
Book Fair/Talent Show-- Friday, April 13
ISTEP Part 2-- April 18/19/20- 9:00-11:00
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Field Trip-- Tuesday, April 24
NWEA Testing Window-- April 23-May 25
4th GRADE Book Beat Competition @ WEBB-- Friday, May 18
We are going to Custer Baker Intermediate School this Wednesday for a brief tour of the building (YIKES- Already, can you believe that?!?). For the Indianapolis Motor Speedway trip later this month, we will send home more information and a permission form. We will most likely be taking chaperones, but will be limited on numbers. You will receive more information within the next week or two. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
CBIS-- April 4 @ 9:00-9:40
Book Fair/Talent Show-- Friday, April 13
ISTEP Part 2-- April 18/19/20- 9:00-11:00
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Field Trip-- Tuesday, April 24
NWEA Testing Window-- April 23-May 25
4th GRADE Book Beat Competition @ WEBB-- Friday, May 18
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Hello, families! I have a few language arts updates for you and report card information.
#1- I sent home a new list of words (yesterday) and our test will be NEXT Thursday, March 22. We DO NOT have school on Friday, March 23, so we will test on a Thursday this time. The roots are ped, pod, and amb, and the prefix is tri-. The new words are pedestal, pedal, pedestrian, podium, tripod, podiatrist, ambulance, amble, and preamble. The words can be found on my Quizlet site (kiddos know how to get there through our Google Classroom site). This is a GREAT way to get some extra practice in at home, as well.
#2- Our Book Beat field trip isn't until May 18th, but we are starting early this year with trying to get 5 books read by that date. I will attach a photo of the book titles and Lexiles along with this post. I previewed all 14 titles with the students today and gave them background info on each one. You should see those books starting to travel home with them tomorrow. Their goal is 5, but to be a "team captain" they must read ALL 14 books on the list. They will have a little over 9 weeks (if you count Spring Break) to get at least 5 books read. If they don't hit their minimum goal of 5, they can't go on the trip. We tried to select HIGH INTEREST and a mix of short and long books for them to read. Hopefully this will help with motivation. Please check with your child to see what book they are starting with and how progress is going. Thanks for your support at home! :)
#3- Report Cards will be coming home in Data Binders THIS FRIDAY. Please watch for those and go over the grades with your child. Maybe set some new goals, revisit old ones, talk about successes, failures, attitude, etc. We appreciate all that you do to help them succeed! :)

#1- I sent home a new list of words (yesterday) and our test will be NEXT Thursday, March 22. We DO NOT have school on Friday, March 23, so we will test on a Thursday this time. The roots are ped, pod, and amb, and the prefix is tri-. The new words are pedestal, pedal, pedestrian, podium, tripod, podiatrist, ambulance, amble, and preamble. The words can be found on my Quizlet site (kiddos know how to get there through our Google Classroom site). This is a GREAT way to get some extra practice in at home, as well.
#2- Our Book Beat field trip isn't until May 18th, but we are starting early this year with trying to get 5 books read by that date. I will attach a photo of the book titles and Lexiles along with this post. I previewed all 14 titles with the students today and gave them background info on each one. You should see those books starting to travel home with them tomorrow. Their goal is 5, but to be a "team captain" they must read ALL 14 books on the list. They will have a little over 9 weeks (if you count Spring Break) to get at least 5 books read. If they don't hit their minimum goal of 5, they can't go on the trip. We tried to select HIGH INTEREST and a mix of short and long books for them to read. Hopefully this will help with motivation. Please check with your child to see what book they are starting with and how progress is going. Thanks for your support at home! :)
#3- Report Cards will be coming home in Data Binders THIS FRIDAY. Please watch for those and go over the grades with your child. Maybe set some new goals, revisit old ones, talk about successes, failures, attitude, etc. We appreciate all that you do to help them succeed! :)

Friday, March 2, 2018
ISTEP+ testing begins next week, for our fourth graders. Third graders finished up this week. This is our first year to have all parts of the test on computers. We will be using Chromebooks throughout all parts of testing. We are confident that our students are ready to show what they know, as we are looking for INDIVIDUAL student growth, and want them to be as stress-free as possible and well-rested next week.
We want to share the tentative schedule with you in order to avoid any scheduling conflicts (ie. doctor or dentist appointments) and to make sure kiddos are on time and ready each day to do their best. The schedule includes break time and an additional "buffer" in case testing is delayed for any reason. We have one longer day of testing, but the other two are about an hour, each, of total testing. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate all of your support at home!
ISTEP+ Schedule MARCH 6, 7, and 8 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday):
TUESDAY-- 9:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. (math and language arts test)
WEDNESDAY-- 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. (language arts test)
THURSDAY--9:00 a.m.-10:15 a.m. (science test)
Students WILL NOT have any homework next week, other than to HAVE FUN, relax, and get lots of extra rest! :)
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Every Kid in a Park National Program
I know this frigid, messy weather does not necessarily make us want to venture outside for a visit to a park nearby for a hike, but we do want to let you know about an amazing program sponsored by our national government.
All fourth grade students in the United States have access to a FREE pass to visit any national park for free with their family. The pass expires August 31, 2018. We will be printing the paper passes (each one has a unique code) for your child to bring home. Please keep it in a safe place until you are ready to use it. Already have a spring or summer trip planned? How about adding in a visit to a national park along the way. Planning to stay local but up for a day trip? Check out one of the parks in our own state or nearby surrounding states! Any national park in the 50 states qualifies under this program. You might want to double check, in advance, to make sure the park is a national park and open and available for visitors. If you go to https://www.everykidinapark.gov/ you can find out more information, along with a list of the hundreds of parks that are available across our nation.
Please let us know if you have any questions and stay warm! Warmer weather is on the horizon...
All fourth grade students in the United States have access to a FREE pass to visit any national park for free with their family. The pass expires August 31, 2018. We will be printing the paper passes (each one has a unique code) for your child to bring home. Please keep it in a safe place until you are ready to use it. Already have a spring or summer trip planned? How about adding in a visit to a national park along the way. Planning to stay local but up for a day trip? Check out one of the parks in our own state or nearby surrounding states! Any national park in the 50 states qualifies under this program. You might want to double check, in advance, to make sure the park is a national park and open and available for visitors. If you go to https://www.everykidinapark.gov/ you can find out more information, along with a list of the hundreds of parks that are available across our nation.
Please let us know if you have any questions and stay warm! Warmer weather is on the horizon...
Thursday, January 11, 2018
January Notes
Welcome back! I hope you all survived the frigid temps in late December/early January. It sounds like those frigid temps will be revisiting soon!
We just wanted to update you on a few upcoming items for January. They are listed below.
We just wanted to update you on a few upcoming items for January. They are listed below.
- Grades were finalized yesterday and report cards will be sent home on Friday. They will be sent home in Data Binders with your child. Please review these with them, celebrating successes and growth, and setting goals for weaknesses to improve.
- ISTEP is just around the corner and will be completely online this year. We will be working on test taking strategies when taking an online test and working on building our weaker skills. Writing is definitely an area that we will continue working on this semester. Typing fluency is also a focused skill we have been working on since the beginning of the year. Students use an online typing fluency site called "Typing Club" to build typing speed and accuracy. They seem to really enjoy using it. They can access the site at home, as well.
- Students should be practicing math facts nightly and reading for 20-30 minutes. They also should be budgeting time to review their vocabulary/word study words at least a few nights a week. Our next test is on Friday, January 26.
- Data binders should be coming home once a week. Just prior to Winter Break we did not have a lot of additional data to add since our schedule was adjusted. Starting next week, our routine will be back to normal with adding data. NWEA is all wrapped up here at Webb and we will be sending home results in your child's binder as soon as all district schools are finished.
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