Hello, there and welcome back from break! With around 8 weeks left, we are busier than ever, trying to squeeze in as much as possible to prepare your kiddos for fifth grade and beyond. This time of year always brings adjustments in schedule and some special happenings. Please check below for some important dates. We will have more to add to the list, as the 9 weeks progresses, but wanted to go ahead and send these out.
We are going to Custer Baker Intermediate School this Wednesday for a brief tour of the building (YIKES- Already, can you believe that?!?). For the Indianapolis Motor Speedway trip later this month, we will send home more information and a permission form. We will most likely be taking chaperones, but will be limited on numbers. You will receive more information within the next week or two. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!
CBIS-- April 4 @ 9:00-9:40
Book Fair/Talent Show-- Friday, April 13
ISTEP Part 2-- April 18/19/20- 9:00-11:00
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Field Trip-- Tuesday, April 24
NWEA Testing Window-- April 23-May 25
4th GRADE Book Beat Competition @ WEBB-- Friday, May 18