Monday, September 28, 2015

Parent (Student-Led) Teacher Conferences

Next Thursday, October 8th, we will be hosting student-led parent/student/teacher conferences.  Please let us know, via form sent home or email, a time slot that works for you. We are looking forward to seeing you all next Thursday!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Parents- the online gradebook (PowerSchool) has been down for several weeks, at least at the elementary level. We are hoping to have grades re-entered and up to date by mid to late next week.  Please be patient as we update grades and add additional information. The system will see a lot of activity as we get it rolling again. Please email if you have any questions.   Thanks! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Language Arts- Unit 1 Wrap-Up

 This is our third, and final, week of Unit 1 in our Benchmark Reading Series.  We have been focusing on main idea and supporting ideas/details, asking and answering questions (before,
Today was an exciting day in Math.   I have declared us the new math wizards of Webb!  We learned a new algorithm called the Partial Difference Method.  This algorithm involves

Thursday, September 3, 2015


We are rocking and rolling in math.  Here are some of the high-lights:

  • Unit 1 pretest and post-test are recorded in our data binders.  Reminder: Pretests are taken BEFORE we start the unit.  Pretests help to show what skills we know and what skills we need to work on.  Post-tests are AFTER we have

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Language Arts, Unit 1

In language arts, we spent the first few weeks of school working on building routines, clearing those summer brain "cobwebs", and reviewing the 6+1 traits of writing.  Ask your child to share with you some of the routines we've been working to establish.  This past week