Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Flat Rock OVERNIGHT Field Trip Date Correction

We are still gathering information and will be sending home more information soon, but I posted the incorrect dates on our blog. We are actually going on Thursday-Friday, November 2nd-3rd. Please change these dates in your calendar if you entered them already. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Full Week

Well, we survived our first Monday of the school year and are now day #2 into our first full week of school. We are so excited to be learning and growing with your students this year. We wanted to send out a few quick reminders to all fourth grade families. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great week!


  • Please fill out and return any paperwork that has been sent home as soon as possible. We have been sending various things from the office or nurse (for some, not all students) in yellow take-home/communication folders. Double check with your child to see if anything was sent home with them. We appreciate it! 
  • Don't forget to sign the permission form for the Colts sponsored fitness camp being held on August 31st. This is a no-contact fitness camp that Mr. Hartman has signed on to participate in, along with Needham's fourth grade students. If you need an extra permission slip, print the one attached below or contact Mr. Hartman at or email one of the teachers in fourth grade to let us know.
  • Students may bring water bottles and/or snacks each day. 
  • We are taking NWEA this week. We started the Reading test yesterday and will begin the Math test tomorrow. We will get their scores to you within the next few weeks. 
  • We do have an overnight field trip coming up on November 2nd-3rd (Thursday-Friday) to Flat Rock Camp. We will send more information home about this trip within the next few weeks. Last year we went to southern Indiana for the historical tour, but are changing it up this year and staying closer to home. We'll update you with info soon. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017


We are so excited to begin a brand new school year with your kiddos! Wowza, the summer zipped on by in the blink of an eye. We welcome them, and you, to fourth grade. Fourth grade works strongly together as a team and will be focused on helping your child set and achieve their goals, while enjoying their final year here at Webb with us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Taylor or Mrs. David. Please check this blog frequently for weekly (sometimes daily) updates. There is a list of important dates that we keep updated to the left of the blog entries. We also have important websites listed for easy access to the left of these entries, as well. Again, welcome to fourth and we look forward to a wonderful year!