Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Language Arts Updates

We are wrapping up Unit 1 in language arts where we identified main idea and details, learned how to focus on asking and answering questions as we read, and analyzed biographies.

We've started a new Greek and Latin roots list. The test will not be until the Friday AFTER Fall Break, so Friday, October 21st. Students received their study guides on Monday and should have them on the outside back clear pocket of their yellow take home folder. The roots this unit are loc, poli, and urb. The words we will focus on are: urban, suburban, police, policy, political, metropolis, location, relocate, local, locale, and dislocate. We have taken the last two vocab assessments using Google Forms (which the students loved) but I am having difficulty finding a way to print the tests afterwards for you to see without using TONS of paper, which defeats the purpose of taking it online. So, I think I am going to revert to the paper/pencil format to make it easier for parents/guardians to SEE how their child answered questions and did on the assessment. If your child has internet access they can show you Google Classroom and their vocabulary assessment that way, as well.

We will begin Unit 2 after Fall Break and will be focused on sequence of events, making connections with what we read, and visualizing to help better comprehend what we read and hear.

Don't forget about STUDENT-LED parent teacher conferences tomorrow night (Thursday) from 3:00-8:00. Your child will need to attend and will be walking you through their data binder, showing you some things on the computer, and sharing goals with you. Mrs. David and I will be checking in during each conference and answering questions. We hope to see you all there! Thanks for all of your support.