Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Google Cardboard Expeditions-- WE TRAVELED THE WORLD!

If we could've bundled up the excitement and energy this morning during our Google Cardboard Expeditions,
we could sell it and not need the billions from the Powerball winnings! :) What an experience! Be sure to ask your kiddo tonight about how it went. We explored landforms around the world, we visited the Great Wall of China, we became underwater explorers, hiked through a tropical rainforest in Borneo, visited military bases, and went on many more expeditions, all in under 30 minutes. We are so grateful that Needham invited us to join them, that we DID NOT have a 2 hour delay this morning (we would've had to cancel), and that our AWESOME grounds crew plowed a pathway for us to trek over to Needham safely. What a day... and what an adventure! I'm attaching a brief article (I also emailed it out today) that explains what we were doing today. Have a warm Wednesday evening!