ISTEP+ testing begins next week, believe it or not. We are confident that our students
are ready to show what they know and want them to be stress-free and well-rested next week. We wanted to share the tentative schedule with you in order to avoid any scheduling conflicts (ie. doctor or dentist appointments) and to make sure kiddos are on time and ready each day. The schedule includes break time and an additional "buffer" in case testing is delayed for any reason. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate all of your support at home!
ISTEP+ Schedule MARCH 1st-3rd (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday):
TUESDAY-- 8:00 a.m.-10:55 a.m.
WEDNESDAY-- 8:00 a.m.-10:55 a.m.
THURSDAY--8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. (4th grade-- science test)