Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ms. Walters Reading

The children began working on their study guides for lesson 15 today.  We will be working on these slowly over this week and part of next.  The study guides are not due until
February 25.  Our next test will be on February 26th.  The children did a great job on last week's vocabulary test.  We tried something new and did it on Google.  It was an interesting experience.  I have some things to tweak and we might try it again on our next test.  The only problem with doing it on Google is that you will not get an actual test back.  The grades are posted on Powerschool.  If you have any questions or concerns about them please feel free to email me and I will be happy to help.

Here is the link for Quizlet.  

Get Creative Project
Please remember that our Get Creative project for Elijah is due on February 22.  This is a project that should be completed at home.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here are the choices for the Get Creative project and how it will be graded...

Now that you have finished reading Elijah of Buxton, it is time to tell others about what you read.  Complete one of the following activities.  Be creative, neat, colorful, organized, and have fun!
Due: 2/22/16
____ Create a shoebox diorama (scene) of your favorite part of the book and write a one page explanation of what happened during that part of the story.  Here is a great tutorial of how to make a diorama… http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Diorama

____ Imagine that you are a book reviewer for your school newspaper and have been asked to review Elijah of Buxton for the next issue.  In your review, introduce the main characters to the readers, and summarize the plot of the book.  Do not reveal the outcome of the story.  Then give your opinion of the novel and reasons for your opinion.  Your review should be a page and length and contain only one picture of the book.  

____ Pretend you are a news reporter for The Buxton News, the newspaper of Elijah’s hometown.  Choose an event from the story, and write a news story for the newspaper that reports what happened.  Your news story should be at least one page in length and should also include one picture.  Look at your local newspaper to include the appropriate text features in your newspaper and article.  

____ Choose one part of the story that was suspenseful.  If something different had happened at that part of the story, how would it have affected the outcome of the book?  Write a one page description of the event, and tell what the effect might have been if something else had happened instead.  

____ Make a mobile about your book.  Include 5-7 items on your mobile.  Include a detailed written description as to how each figure on the mobile relate to the book.  Here’s an example of a nonfiction book mobile.  http://mommayoungathome.com/lifestyle/crafts-2/hanger-mobile-book-report/
This will give you an idea of how to construct them.  I would draw pictures and put a detailed description on the back of each one.  

____ Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept before, during, or after the book’s events have taken place.  Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary.  It should be written in 1st person.  Your diary should have 3-5 entries and should be at least a page in length.  

Your project will be graded using this rubric…
____ /10 Project is completed with accurate information.  
____/ 10 Project is written with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.  
____/ 10 Project is created with great effort and creativity.  

____/ 10 Project was turned in on time and includes the above requirements in each project description.