Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Fourth Grade Updates

#1-- Don't forget permission forms and money are due this Friday for our overnight field trip next Thursday and Friday.

#2-- Please visit the links below if you'd like to see what our tour of southern Indiana might include as we travel through the area. The "Destination Indiana" site has many links for our state, but you can specifically search for Harrison County, Vanderburgh County, Squire Boone Caverns, and/or  Angel Mounds. The other links are some information and videos we found while preparing for the trip.

#3-- We are sending home Student-Led Parent Teacher Conference Forms TODAY. Please fill these out and send them back to us as soon as possible. We'd like to give you first choice for times and will be meeting on Monday with the entire staff to try to coordinate sibling schedules with other teachers. 

#4-- Don't forget to look through, discuss data, and sign your child's data binder each week. Reading information will be updated every Monday/Tuesday (depending on how individual conferencing goes) and Math information will be sent home intermittently, depending on the Unit dates. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!