Monday, November 16, 2015

Ms. Walters' Reading

We are wrapping up our BFG activities this week.  Your child should be working on their dodecahedron project for The BFG.  This project is due on Wednesday, November 18.  We are hanging these up in the room and look amazing.

We will be
tight on time for this next vocabulary list.  4th grade will be working on lesson 9 in their Caesar's English book and 3rd grade is working on Chapter 3.  Our test will be on Tuesday, November 24th.  Children need to turn in completed study guides by Friday, November 20.

I have updated our Quizlet page with a study set for both 3rd and 4th grade.  Remember to access these study sets you need to go to and search for WaltersEmily and then go to the class your child is in.  This is a great way to review.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!